Sleep problems with age
In people 65 years or older, 57% complain about a chronic sleep problem, 43% cant sleep and 19% wake up very early.
Our biological clock (circadian rhythm), like a normal clock, will work if it’s adjusted correctly and the way to synchronize it is with the sun. A large portion of adults stay indoors and don’t get sun light and artificial lights at home are not bright enough to establish if its day or night.
Our capacity to sleep any time of day ends at 25 years, but that is lost over time. From 45 years on, frequent awakenings at night start to happen and our sleep efficiency diminishes.
- Get some sun light
- Take a walk or some other outdoor activity without any sunglasses, that way you accomplish the necessary stimulus. At least 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the afternoon
- Maintain a regular sleeping schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time will help you regulate your internal clock even on weekends
- Avoid caffeine, if you have a strong habit of consuming coffee, tea, soda or chocolate, avoid it at least 6 hours before going to sleep
- Avoid nicotine, it’s a stimulant and also causes nightmares. Sleeping problems is another reason to stop smoking
- Avoid alcohol, it causes frequent interruptions at night
- Don’t eat or drink too much before sleep, also going to bed hungry will make it difficult to sleep. Have a lite dinner.
- Exercising at the right time stimulates sleep. It makes you sleep better and contributes to an energized morning, but it must be done 3 hours before going to bed
- Have a relaxing routine before sleeping. Take a hot bath, read or listen to music, meditate, all of this will help you adjust the time to go to bed
- Learn to create an environment that stimulates sleep. Avoid noises and other distractions, light, extreme temperatures and your mattress must be firm and comfortable.
With these tips you will adjust your biological clock and the sleeping schedule of your elderly relative will be aligned with the rest of the family.